

Invalid Credentials Error Message in Thunderbird

9. 3. 2013 Zobraziť článok

If your username and password was correct and invalid credentials message was displayed, then you are checking your Gmail too many times (Google recommends to check for new e-mails once every 10 minutes)

Solution: Clear your CAPTCHA for that account to access it via POP/IMAP.


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Thunderbird Keyboard Shortcuts

4. 3. 2010 Zobraziť článok

My commonly used Thunderbird Keyboard Shortcuts. //Dedicated to Laco ;)

N            - Go to Next Unread Message
A            - Archive Message
CTRL+N       - Create new Message
CTRL+R       - Reply to Message (sender only)
Ctrl+Shift+R - Reply to All (all recipients)
CTRL+ENTER   - Send message
CTRL+K       - Focus the quick search box
\            - Collapse All Threads
*            - Expand All Threads

With Nostalgy Extension:

ESC-ESC	- Focus the thread pane
ESC-M	- Focus the message pane
Ctrl-Left/Right - Scroll the message from the thread pane
L	- Hide/show the folder pane
G	- Open a specific folder
S	- Move the current message to a specific folder
B	- Move the current message to a specific folder and go there
C	- Copy the current message to a specific folder


Nostalgy introduces a notion of rule . A rule associates a folder to a message by looking for a substring of the From, To/Cc, or Subject headers (or a combination of them). A rule can be restricted to match messages only under a given server/folder. When a rule selects a folder for a given message, Nostalgy informs you in the status line. You can then use the Shift-S/Shift-C/Shift-G/Shift-B shortcuts to move/copy/go directly to this folder.

In the Composer

When typing in a header, it's possible to change easily the header to either "To:", "Cc:" or "Bcc:". To do so, you need to be at the beginning of the input box, and simply type "to ", "cc " or "bcc " (with the whitespace, without the quotes).

The ESC-ESC combination focuses the message body. The ESC-A combination opens the file attachment dialog.


Switch to new version of Thunderbird and install CustomizeHeaderToolbar Extension, then right click on header -> Customize -> Show -> Icons and add or remove items by dragging. ;)


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Synchronize Lightning/Sunbird with Google Calendar

4. 10. 2009 Zobraziť článok
  1. New Calendar
  2. On the Network
  3. CalDAV format
  4. [ your Google Calendar ID ] /events

    Your Google Calendar ID for your primary calendar is just your email address, but for all other calendars the Calendar ID will be in the form of [ long string of characters] You can get the Calendar ID by clicking the down arrow next to your calendar at and selecting 'Calendar Settings'.

  5. Username: Including the part after the @ sign

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